Reader Comments
“My favorite book is FLOWER, it captivated me. The book kept me in suspense” Jacqueline
”FINDING SOPHIE was the best war story I’ve ever read. You made me feel like I was inside the book, I forgot where I was” Shyla
“Marianne was exactly my age when she went to London, in REMEMBER ME. It was easy to imagine how homesick she must have felt. I don’t like being away from home for a day, never mind a year! I tried to imagine what it would be like to go to a strange country….” Philip
“Do you have to love to read to be a writer? Do you get rejected by publishers sometimes? Do you enjoy writing Kid’s books better than adult books?” Joanna
I answered ‘Yes’ to all three questions!
“There’s something about your writing that I really like. It seems like it’s alive…Thank you for writing books.” Your friend, Grace